Hi there, I'm Chris, an Ex-Organic Chemist  

  and Full-Stack Web Developer  


    Asset-base.money website was made during my time at Le Wagon, highlights of this project are:
  • Calling multiple APIs for financial information.
  • Use of Charkick/Chart.js.
  • Webscraping of OpenSea for live NFT prices.

Languages/Frameworks used:

Ruby languageRails frameworkJavascript languageCSS languagePostgreSQL database


    This was my first website during the bootcamp, a simple airbnb clone, the key parts of the website are:
  • CRUD actions for both Saunas, users and reviews.
  • Authentication and authorization using Devise and Pundit
  • Use of Mapbox geocoding API

Languages/Frameworks used:

Ruby languageRails frameworkJavascript languageCSS languagePostgreSQL database

This website!

After my bootcamp I decided to learn React and generally strengthen my Javascript skills. Making a website using Gatsby looked like a good way to do this, while also being a site for a blog (in the future).

All blog posts are powered by the Notion API and use GraphQL.

Languages/Frameworks used:

Javascript languageReact frameworkGatsby frameworkCSS languagegraphQL database